ADD Symptoms

Navigate ADHD and ADD Symptoms: A clear collection of information to help you understand and manage the diverse manifestations of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Play Therapy for ADHD

Therapy for Children vs Adults Childen and adults process events and experience emotions differently. Adults who go through traumatic events or struggle with mental health disorders would benefit from therapy sessions such as CBT or psychodynamic therapy. Sitting in a chair and having a whole forty-five minutes to delve into your innermost thoughts and worries […]

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Nature Therapy for ADHD

Restorative Effects of Nature  Being out in the fresh open air is known to be beneficial for the mind, body, and soul. After being inside all day or even for a few hours, stepping out when the weather is warm can be a magical feeling. Sometimes you need to take that run or sit in

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Raising a Child with ADHD

Parents of Children with ADHD Parents of children with ADHD are said to experience more stress related to parenting than parents of children without this disorder. In general, having children (especially multiple little ones) can be challenging for parents trying to work, keep the household together and find time for themselves. Parents of children with

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Teenagers with ADHD

Myth: ADHD only exists in childhood…  There is a common misperception that ADHD is only a “childhood” disorder.  ADHD can be diagnosed in children as young as four years old and is typically diagnosed in childhood. A person usually develops ADHD in this younger age and parents and teachers look out for children who exhibit

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Bring Change to Mind is helping reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, including ADD in adults.

If you’ve ever heard actress Glenn Close talk about her own family’s experiences in coping with mental health, you’ll know what a powerful advocate she is for the mental health community and for every family and every individual dealing with mental health issues – including those who are coming to the Sachs Center for ADD testing or ADHD

Bring Change to Mind is helping reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, including ADD in adults. Read More »

Early signs of ADHD

How Do You know Your Child has ADHD? ADHD, a brain-based disorder, beginning in childhood.  While many adults do get diagnosed with ADHD, in most cases it is diagnosed in elementary school-aged children. The main three symptoms to look out for in ADHD include inattention- trouble focusing hyperactivity- constant movement, fidgeting, and restlessness impulsiveness- not

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Extra Time for Testing

Extra time testing Up until about 15 years ago, if students received extra time on standardized tests, their scores were “flagged”- meaning colleges and programs were notified about the accommodation.  However, this is no longer the case, now that the process to receive these special accommodations is more regulated and formalized. Parents can submit a

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