Monotropism Questionnaire

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The Monotropism Questionnaire (MQ), is a self-report tool designed to assess for features indicating a monotropic cognitive style. A monotropic style of cognition has been argued to be a predictor of Autism.

These questions are taken directly from and scored based on their findings. This questionnaire is published under a Creative Commons license, CC-BY-NC-SA. Full text for this license can be found on the Creative Commons website here.

Original Source: Garau, V., Woods, R., Chown, N., Hallett, S., Murray, F., Wood, R., Murray, A.& Fletcher-Watson, S. (2023). The Monotropism Questionnaire, Open Science Framework.

How to Take the Test: When reading the questions, imagine situations that are stressful, uncomfortable or when you are excited. Often when we are at home and relaxed and calm, it is hard to tell how we feel. If the question is confusing, look underneath it for an explanation of the question.

  • Instructions:

    Please read the statements below and indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with them.
    After chaotic situations or too much socializing, you need to decompress and be alone.
    Transitions are hard for adults with Autism. Moving from one task to another is hard unless you are in a quiet space.
    If I'm interrupted suddenly by someone or something, I am upset and lose focus easily.
    I do not have a problem with eye contact.
    You see changes in people's appearance or in your work/living space easily and quickly.
    I'm most calm when engaged in an activity that I really love.
    I prefer to talk about topics I'm interested in and feel more comfortable when doing this.
    I get obsessed with things and hyperfocus on them and lose touch with anything else going on around me.
    I engage in activities I like, even if others find it weird.
    The question is asking if you like social situations.
    I don't mind being interrupted when I'm focused on an activity. I can be flexible and swtich to a new task easily.
    I am open to collaborative work and don't mind others assistance.
    I get so focused on something I enjoy, I find it difficult to switch to something else.
    I get anxious over things I can't control. Or I get anxious if I don't know the plan.
    I get hyperfocused on one or two things at a time for long periods.
    If I'm doing something I'm not passioniate about or interested in, I have trouble filtering out random noises.
    People say I'm rude at times, even though I don't think I'm being rude. Or you get the vibe that what you said was taken poorly by the other person.
    You get bothered by things that other people are not interested in. This topic could be something that you think is not fair or injust that others don't seem to be bothered about.
    You get paralyzed by some hard decisions. This doesn't mean physically unable to move but you really can't do anything until the decision is made.
    You get obsessed with a problem and need to solve it or pursue the informatiion relentlessly.
    You tend to be self-conscious unless you are passionate and deeply excited about something.
    I do not get stuck in repetitive thoughts about a topic.
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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

👉 Read about Autism & Monotropism and learn what your quiz results mean – ✨CLICK HERE


Garau, V., Woods, R., Chown, N., Hallett, S., Murray, F., Wood, R., … Fletcher-Watson, S. (2023, July 25). The Monotropism Questionnaire.