Adult ADD and ADHD Treatment

Spills and mishaps are part of life, yet for adults with ADHD, these occurrences are more frequent and carry greater consequences. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) can be a debilitating disorder if not carefully managed and supported. That’s why we offer high-quality Adult ADD and ADHD treatment services in the heart of New York.

Undiagnosed ADD in adults can lead to years of failure, missed opportunities, damaged self-esteem, and possible drug and alcohol abuse. This can severely affect careers, work, and home life. However, there are possible solutions. We provide a comprehensive and holistic approach to managing ADD in adults and ADHD in children.

Begin your journey to managing Adult ADD/ADHD with comprehensive and accurate testing and assessment at the Sachs Center. Learn more about our Adult ADD testing.

Adult ADD and ADHD Treatment

Adult ADD ADHD Treatment

Once a comprehensive ADD evaluation has been completed and all ADHD symptoms are checked, treatment can begin. You will meet with our ADD/ADHD specialist to begin formulating a plan to manage your challenges effectively.

Dr. Sachs has developed a unique, holistic protocol for managing ADD in adults. The model we use for Adult ADD and ADHD treatment in our New York offices includes psychoeducation, individual therapy, and medication when necessary. Additionally, our clients can explore Neurofeedback as a non-medicinal alternative. You can find these ideas and many more in Dr. Sachs’ book The Adult ADD Solution sold on

Highlights of The Adult ADD Solution Program

Externalizing the Motivation

  • Admitting you have a problem and understanding that external support is necessary to complete the 15 steps.
  • Recognizing that isolation, or “doing it all by yourself”, will not work.

Leaving Survival Mode

  • Understanding that ADHD creates chaos, forcing you to be in a perpetual state of “survival mode”.
  • Moreover, being aware that this constant “survival mode” leads to unintentional selfishness.

Taking Care of Oneself

  • Learning that the behaviors which brought you to Adult ADD and ADHD treatment have not been based on self-love, but rather on survival.
  • Developing an appreciation that you need to care for your body and respect its limits.
  • Addressing symptoms such as attention deficit and attention-deficit hyperactivity.

Being Proactive vs Reactive

  • Realizing that if you have ADHD, you’re always behind life’s eight-ball. It’s a continuous cycle of reacting to situations rather than proactively managing them.
  • Accepting that constantly extinguishing fires is far less fulfilling than taking charge of your life and steering it in the direction you desire.

After increasing personal motivation for change, the next few steps demonstrate the importance of the brain-body and brain-gut connection. Through these steps, we detail how important it is to properly fuel, clean, and rest your engine. This approach is crucial not only for adults with ADD but also for children with ADHD, as it forms a fundamental aspect of effective management strategies.


  • Hydrating more often helps improve cognitive functioning.
  • Clients are encouraged to buy a water filter or have water delivered to their home.


  • Many clients with ADD have difficulty getting to bed on time and thus fail to get eight hours of sleep a night.
  • We coach clients on developing better sleep hygiene. Our aim is to empower individuals to take care of themselves by creating a better sleep routine, which includes going to bed and shutting down electronics earlier.


  • Exercise has been proven as an effective method to improve cognitive functioning.
  • Clients will be encouraged to externalize the motivation (or lack of motivation) to exercise. This could mean joining a walking, running, or exercise club. Additionally, clients could consider hiring a personal trainer or finding a friend to work out with.


  • Teens with ADHD are strongly encouraged to reduce or eliminate sugar while increasing fats and protein. This change has shown to be effective in improving cognitive functioning and “willpower”.
  • Clients will be encouraged to read “Sugar Blues”, “Sugar Busters”, “The Zone Diet”, along with other books on the Paleo approach.

After gaining a comprehensive understanding about how to properly fuel the body for optimal brain functioning, clients will then progress to addressing the most challenging aspects of living with ADD. This is a key part of Adult ADD and ADHD treatment.

Time Management

  • Clients will learn about “one-more-thing-itis”, which may be preventing them from leaving the house on time.
  • Clients will discover how being late has an unspoken impact on the relationship with the individual waiting and can lead to a loss of trust and lack of accountability.

Financial Organization

  • Financial problems are common for those with ADHD.
  • We coach clients on developing a savings plan and improving their credit score. Once again, we encourage externalizing the process by hiring a financial coach or advisor.


  • Accountability is the most difficult challenge for individuals with ADHD.
  • Clients will deepen their understanding of personal accountability and its significance in their lives. This knowledge will enable them to experience the rewards of being a reliable and dependable individual, appreciated and trusted by others.


  • Impulsivity is the hallmark of Adult ADHD.
  • Clients will be introduced to meditation, enabling them to cultivate a practice that helps in reducing impulsivity and fostering a sense of “groundedness”.


  • As clients gain knowledge about accountability and experience an increase in self-esteem, the possibility of engaging with a community becomes more attainable.
  • Community support can foster continued spiritual, emotional, and physical growth.


  • Upon achieving self-awareness and cultivating personal accountability, the client can begin to contribute positively to others.
  • The joy in giving to others will help the client move from survival mode to thriving mode, all the while recognizing that they are valued and cherished by the people in their lives.

It is entirely feasible to lead a joyful and fulfilling life with Adult ADD. For more information about our New York-based Adult ADD and ADHD treatment, please explore the following links:

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Our fee is $695 for ADHD or Autism diagnostic testing and $795 for both combined. The Sachs Center does not accept insurance or Medicaid. We provide a receipt for out-of-network insurance plans. We accept credit, debit, HSA cards.
You can book an evaluation right from the website by clicking the “book now” button in the menu or on the homepage.
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