BDEFS-LF: Other-Report Instructions: You are being asked to describe the behavior of someone whom you know well. How often does that person experience each of these problems? Please circle the number next to each item that best describes their behavior DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS. Please ignore the sections marked "Office Use Only."Name* First Last Email* 1. Procrastinate or put off doing things until the last minute. Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 2. Poor sense of time Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 3. Wastes or mismanages his/her time Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 4. Not prepared on time for work or assigned tasks Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 5. Fails to meet deadlines for assignments Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 6. Has trouble planning ahead or preparing for upcoming events Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 7. Forgets to do things he/she is supposed to do Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 8. Can't seem to accomplish the goals he/she sets for self Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 9. Late for work or scheduled appointments Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 10. Can't seem to hold in mind things he/she needs to remember to do Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 11. Can't seem to get things done unless there is an immmediate deadline Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 12. Has difficulty judging how much time it will take to do something or get somewhere Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 13. Has trouble motivating self to start work Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 14. Has difficulty motivating self to stick with his/her work and get it done Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 15. Not motivated to prepare in advance for things he/she knows he/she is supposed to do Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 16. Has trouble completing one activity before starting into a new one Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 17. Has trouble doing what he/she tells self to do Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 18. Difficulties following through on promises or commitments he/she may make to others Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 19. Lacks self-discipline Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 20. Has difficulty arranging or doing his/her work by its priority or importance; can't "prioritize" well Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 21. Finds it hard to get started or get going on things he/she needs to get done Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 22. Does not seem to anticipate the future as much or as well as others Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 23. Can't seem to remember what he/she previously heard or read about Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 24. Has trouble organizing his/her thoughts Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 25. When he/she is shown something complicated to do, he/she cannot keep the information in mind so as to imitate or do it correctly Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 26. Has trouble considering various options for doing things and weighing their consequences Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 27. Has difficulties saying what he/she wants to say Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 28. Unable to come up with or invent as many solutions to problems as others seem to do Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 29. Finds he/she is at a loss for words when he/she wants to explain something to others Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 30. Has trouble putting his/her thoughts down in writing as well or as quickly as others Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 31. Feels he/she is not as creative or inventive as others of his/her level of intelligence Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 32. In trying to accomplish goals or assignments, he/she finds that he/she is not able to thing of as many ways of doing things as others Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 33. Has trouble learning new or complex activities as well as others Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 34. Has difficulty explaining things in their proper order or sequence Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 35. Can't seem to get to the point of his/her explanations as quickly as others Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 36. Has trouble doing things in their proper order or sequence Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 37. Unable to "think on his/her feet" or respond as effectively as others to unexpected events Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 38. Is slower than others at solving problems he/she encounters in his/her daily life Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 39. Easily distracted by irrelevant events or thoughts when he/she must concentrate on something Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 40. Not able to comprehend what he/she reads as well as he/she should be able to do; has to reread material to get its meaning Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 41. Cannot focus his/her attention on tasks or work as well as others Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 42. Easily confused Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 43. Can't seem to sustain his/her concentration on reading, paperwork, lectures, or work Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 44. Finds it hard to focus on what is important from what is not important when he/she does things Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 45. Doesn't seem to process information as quickly or as accurately as others Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 46. Finds it difficult to tolerate waiting; impatient Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 47. Makes decisions impulsively Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 48. Unables to inhibit his/her reactions or responses to events or others Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 49. Has difficulty stopping his/her activities or behavior when he/she should do so Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 50. Has difficulty changing his/her behavior when he/she is given feedback about mistakes Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 51. Makes impulsive comments to others Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 52. Likely to do things without considering the consequences for doing them Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 53. Changes his/her plans at the last minute on a whim or last minute impulse Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 54. Fails to consider past relevant events or past personal experiences before responding to situations (Acts without thinking) Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 55. Not aware of things he/she says or does Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 56. Has difficulty being objective about things that affect him/her Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 57. Finds it hard to take other people's perspectives about a problem or situation Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 58. Doesn't think about or talk things over with self before doing something Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 59. Trouble following the rules in a situation Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 60. More likely to drive a motor vehicle much faster than others (Excessive speeding) Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 61. Has a low tolerance for frustrating situations Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 62. Cannot inhibit his/her emotions as well as others Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 63. Doesn't look ahead and think about what the future outcomes will be before he/she does something (Doesn't use his/her foresight) Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 64. Engages in risk taking activities more than others are likely to do Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 65. Likely to take short cuts in his/her work and not do all that he/she is supposed to do Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 66. Likely to skip out on work early if his/her work is boring to do Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 67. Does not put as much effort into his/her work as he/she should or than others are able to do Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 68. Others tell him/her that he/she is lazy or unmotivated Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 69. Has to depend on others to help them get their work done Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 70. Things must have an immediate payoff for him/her or he/she does not seem to get them done Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 71. Has difficulty resisting the urge to do something fun or more interesting when he/she is supposed to be working Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 72. Inconsistent in the quality or quantity of his/her work performance Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 73. Unable to work as well as others without supervision or frequent instruction Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 74. Does not have the willpower or determination that others seem to have Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 75. Is not able to work toward longer term or delayed rewards as well as others Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 76. Cannot resist doing things that produce immediate rewards, even if those things are not good for him/her in the long run Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 77. Quick to get angry or become upset Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 78. Overreacts emotionally Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 79. Easily excitable Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 80. Unable to inhibit showing strong negative or positive emotions Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 81. Has trouble calming self down once he/she is emotionally upset Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 82. Cannot seem to regain emotional control and become more reasonable once he/she is emotional Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 83. Cannot seem to distract self away from whatever is upsetting him/her emotionally to help calm self down. Can't refocus his/her mind to a more positive framework. Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 84. Unable to manage his/her emotions in order to accomplish his/her goals successfully or get along well with others Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 85. Remains emotional or upset longer than others Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 86. Finds it difficult to walk away from emotionally upsetting encounters with others or leave situations in which he/she has become very emotional Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 87. Cannot rechannel or redirect his/her emotions into more positive ways or outlets when he/she gets upset Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 88. Is not able to evaluate an emotionally upsetting event more objectively Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often 89. Cannot redefine negative events into more positive viewpoints when he/she feels strong emotions Never or rarely Sometimes Often Very often This field is hidden when viewing the formscore Δ Related Posts Our ServicesADHDADDNYCMiddle School: Your Role in Your Child’s SchoolingVideo Games and ADHD Do You Have Adult ADD?4 Tips for Parents of Kids Who Have ADHDADHD Awareness MonthPsychologist or Psychiatrist: What’s the Difference?