Many children and adults with ADD/ADHD have challenges in school, which impacts their mood and overall well-being.
Emotional issues can result directly from the feeling of underachievement in school.
This is why we recommend educational support, academic tutoring and standardized test prep for our families.
For any family who needs an academic or test-prep tutor in New York or online, I recommend our partner Prestige Prep. They also have a philosophy of holistic, low-stress Academic tutoring test that provides real tangible results.
Academic Tutoring

For over a decade, Prestige Prep has helped countless students move past old patterns and self-limiting beliefs to succeed in school and on tests with private tutoring. In addition, Prestige Prep has several books that help with student success and parents dealing with the emotional stress of test preparation. These books, Test Prep Sanity and Test Prep Sanity for Students are invaluable for navigating standardized tests while maintaining your sanity. I recommend this company for academic tutoring. Give us a call, and we’ll put you in touch with them for an unparalleled New York tutoring experience.
Call (800) 381-3266 to be connected to Prestige Prep today!
At Prestige Prep, the philosophy is very simple…
Our Philosophy for Academic Tutoring
Students need to be prepared for every facet of their exam. These exams test emotional strength, test-taking skills, organization, and stamina. Since they test more than materials, tutoring must cover materials, emotional strength, test-taking skills, organization, and stamina.
In addition, we know how much the home environment affects a student’s performance and how stressful this time can be for parents. We keep a strong line of communication with parents and ensure that they understand the process. We want parents to know how to best help their children succeed through our high-impact tutoring.
Finally, we know that each student has different specific needs to reach his or her full potential. While all of our New York academic tutoring covers the basics, such as homework and mock exams, we customize our tutoring to fit the needs of the specific student. Some need to be pushed while others need their anxiety relieved. Some need to spend a lot of time relearning the foundations while others must learn how to apply their knowledge to new types of questions. With one-on-one tutoring, we can focus a student’s time and energy on what will benefit them the most, and what will lead to the highest test score.
Our main goal is to help students score as high as possible on their exams. Along the way, we look to change the way they view their own ability to succeed, and we give them systems and tools they can use on all future challenges.
Understanding the Tests
One of the most common questions we get from parents is “my children do well in school, why are they struggling on standardized tests?”
The answer is that standardized tests are different from school exams. While they may test the same material, the way that they test this material is very different. For the most part, school exams test the material that students have recently covered in exactly the same way the material was presented. Students who don’t fully understand the material but who have strong memories can flourish on these types of exams.
Standardized tests, on the other hand, demand that students apply their knowledge to new types of questions. This demands a deeper level of understanding and more confidence in one’s own ability. In addition, these tests cover a wide array of topics, some of which students haven’t seen in years.
Seeing these differences, it’s not surprising that some students who excel in school have difficulty on standardized tests. They’re not prepared. This is where academic tutoring comes in!
How to Prepare
Great SAT tutors (just like great ISEE tutors and great ACT tutors) understand what the exam is really testing and prepare students for the specific questions they will encounter. This means reviewing the foundations and ensuring students can apply their knowledge to new types of questions. This also means test strategy and stamina-building (the SAT and ACT are each around four hours long).
But great academic tutoring requires more. These tests produce a lot of anxiety, and students who focus on their anxiety have trouble focusing on the exam. This makes sense when you understand that the brain can concentrate on only one thing at a time. If students are filling their brains with “oh my God! This test is so important! I’m so nervous!” they can’t concentrate on the actual questions.
We have researched anxiety thoroughly and have specific strategies and techniques that help students accept and eventually move past their anxiety to excel on their exams.
For Parents
Students aren’t the only ones who feel anxiety around standardized tests. This can be a very stressful time for parents, as well. And if a parent is anxious, the child will feel it. That child may not admit it, they may even pretend not to care about the exam, but the anxiety is there. So it is very important for parents to feel calm and to keep their home a relaxing place. Sometimes, it’s not easy.
A great tutor understands what parents are dealing with. Effective academic tutoring includes keeping parents up to date with their child’s progress. The tutor helps parents understand how to best help their children excel on their exam. Each parent-child relationship is different, but there are some simple steps that all parents can take to help their children feel more comfortable and perform better.
This area is crucial, and it’s almost always neglected. For this reason, we’ve written a book about it: Test Prep Sanity: How to help your child excel on standardized tests without driving each other crazy. It includes:
- Framing the exam so your child feels motivated
- How to handle complaining
- How to handle rumors from other parents
- The best time to register for an exam and how to do so
- How to ease tension and create an environment to help your child succeed on test day
and much more!
Each family receives a copy of our book. We are also available for conversations about academic tutoring and our process in New York and online at almost any time.
Academic Tutoring: An Entire Process
We have helped thousands of students get into the high schools and colleges of their dreams. We are wildly successful because our tutoring covers every aspect of test preparation: materials, emotional strength, confidence and stamina. Our students enter their exams prepared and confident, and their scores show it!
Call (800) 381-3266 to be connected to Prestige Prep today!
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