Does your teen struggle to pay attention, focus, initiate tasks, or complete assignments on time? Are anxiety, low self-esteem, or relationship issues additional burdens? Perhaps they're wrestling with anger, sadness, or emotional numbness. If you're seeking peace at home, consider our ADD/ADHD treatment for teens.
We can help. We offer support, guidance, and answers for adolescent ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, and social skill deficits. Services for ADHD treatment are offered in NYC, Bethesda, Miami, Boston, and California.
If your teen is reluctant to seek ADD/ADHD treatment, they're not alone. At our center, we prioritize building a bond with your teen, making them feel heard, and allowing them to finally get things off their chest. Establishing this trust is the first step. With their buy-in, we proceed with a comprehensive assessment to determine if they have ADD/ADHD symptoms or if something else is going on. Our focused ADHD treatment for teens begins here.
Difficulties for Teens with ADD/ADHD
The following story introduces "Steve", a typical client with Adolescent ADD/ADHD that we often see in our center. Names and stories are altered for privacy. Steve's story may reflect your own child's experience. Not unique to teens or adults, ADHD in children is increasingly prevalent, often due to factors such as attention-deficit hyperactivity. Steve's journey through our Teen ADD/ADHD Treatment Program is a testament to the support we provide at every age.
Steve, a tenth grader at Bronx Science, struggles at school. Though he's always had trouble concentrating, increasing demands have recently made things worse. In class, he often finds his mind wandering. Sometimes the teacher calls on him and he has no idea what's going on. He often forgets books in his locker, so he is unprepared for his classes. He does his homework but forgets to bring it to school. It's not surprising that he feels school is a waste of time. His room is a complete mess, and he feels unorganized. He often has trouble sitting still, and sometimes he snaps at his friends or family. Deep down he feels like crap and is teetering on full-blown depression. His family worries about him because of his grades and his attitude. He wants to do better, but he feels no control over his life. Could ADHD treatment for teens help Steve?
More About ADHD
Steve has Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD), a condition that typically makes it difficult for people to focus their attention. ADHD is characterized by restlessness, impulsivity, distractibility, and disorganization. These symptoms are present from childhood with greater intensity than in the average person and interfere with daily functions. However, while an ADHD diagnosis makes many areas of life difficult, it is possible to treat and manage. The Sachs Center specializes in compassionate adolescent ADHD treatment.
Behavioral interventions are the main model of ADD and ADHD treatment for teens. In addition, we offer parent training (in problem-solving, communication skills, and behavioral management methods). As well, we work with teachers on classroom management.
The most common and effective treatment for teens with ADHD combines medication and psychosocial treatment approaches. This is sometimes referred to as multi-modal treatment.
Reach out to the Sachs Center for comprehensive support with your adolescent's ADD/ADHD and any accompanying emotional or behavioral challenges. We are a supportive ally for your teen. For expert ADD/ADHD treatment for teens in New York, Bethesda, Miami, Boston, and California, please contact us today.