Asexuality Identification Scale Instructions: Please read each statement below and choose the answer that best fits your experience.1. I experience sexual attraction toward other people Completely False Somewhat False Neither True nor False Somewhat True Completely True 2. I lack interest in sexual activity Completely False Somewhat False Neither True nor False Somewhat True Completely True 3. I don’t feel that that I fit the conventional categories of sexual orientation such as heterosexual, homosexual (gay or lesbian), or bisexual Completely False Somewhat False Neither True nor False Somewhat True Completely True 4. The thought of sexual activity repulses me Completely False Somewhat False Neither True nor False Somewhat True Completely True 5. I find myself experiencing sexual attraction toward another person Always Often Sometimes Rarely Rarely 6. I am confused by how much interest and time other people put into sexual relationships Completely False Somewhat False Neither True nor False Somewhat True Completely True 7. The term “nonsexual” would be an accurate description of my sexuality Completely False Somewhat False Neither True nor False Somewhat True Completely True 8. I would be content if I never had sex again Completely False Somewhat False Neither True nor False Somewhat True Completely True 9. I would be relieved if I was told that I never had to engage in any sort of sexual activity again Completely False Somewhat False Neither True nor False Somewhat True Completely True 10. I go to great lengths to avoid situations where sex might be expected of me Completely False Somewhat False Neither True nor False Somewhat True Completely True 11. My ideal relationship would not involve sexual activity Completely False Somewhat False Neither True nor False Somewhat True Completely True 12. Sex has no place in my life Completely False Somewhat False Neither True nor False Somewhat True Completely True Which of the following best describes you? Heterosexual Bisexual Homosexual (Lesbian or Gay) Asexual This field is hidden when viewing the formscore Δ Related Posts Our ServicesADHD ADD NYCMiddle School: Your Role in Your Child’s SchoolingVideo Games and ADHD Do You Have Adult ADD?4 Tips for Parents of Kids Who Have ADHDADHD Awareness MonthPsychologist or Psychiatrist: What’s the Difference?