Adult ADD

ADD & ADHD Resources. Sachs Center Manhattan’s UWS, New York NYC. 646.807.8900

Neurofeedback for Autism

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) vary in terms of severity and deficit level but in general experience trouble with social interactions and communicating with others. Early intervention is key for children with autism to improve their symptoms, scholastic abilities, and attention levels. Many different therapies and behavioral strategies are utilized by parents and caregivers

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Help and hope for the procrastination associated with ADD in adults

Productivity guru and coach David Allen believes, “Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.” He developed his system of time management with businesspeople in mind, but many of his ideas can be helpful to those who have been through ADHD testing for adults or who are seeking ADHD treatment in NYC. ADD in adults

Help and hope for the procrastination associated with ADD in adults Read More »