Meditation offers a number of benefits, from reducing stress and helping to control anxiety to increasing your capacity for compassion and empathy. But for those who have been through ADHD testing and are now seeking ADHD treatment in NYC, meditation has even more to offer.
Meditation can be an effective tool for controlling the impulsive behaviors associated with ADD in adults and children. The idea that meditation requires you to clear your mind of all thoughts can be intimidating and often deters people from exploring the practice. If you’re just getting started with meditation or are simply interested in learning more about the practice of mindfulness, you may want to find a local group you can join.
Here is a great download on breathing techniques for meditation.
Check out the Adult ADD Holistic Summit. Get the ALL ACCESS PASS and watch all the expert videos after the summit ends.

There are a number of meditation apps – many of them free – that you might find helpful. These apps can not only help you learn to meditate, several can also help you develop a regular routine – and stick with it.
Recently, reported on The Best Meditation Apps of 2017 They selected apps based on, “their quality, user reviews and overall reliability as a source of support for people who want to up their meditation game.” In other words, they recommend these apps for those who are just getting started and for those who have been at it for years.
“Headspace is a great app for people just starting out, with 10 newbie-focused 10-minute meditation exercises, known as Take 10. It’s designed to help you quickly understand what the practice is all about. There’s also a personalized progress page, a reward system for continued practice, and even a buddy system for you and your friends to help each other stay on track. Once you’ve completed Take 10, the app contains other meditation exercises that can be purchased in the app,” reports. They gave both the iPhone and Android versions of the app, which is free, a five-star rating. gave The Mindfulness App for the iPhone five stars; the version for Android users rated four stars. “This app comes packed with features, including a five-day guided meditation practice, meditation reminders, personalized meditation offers, and timers for keeping you on track. There’s even a health app integration capability. This is the gold standard app for anyone serious about the practice of meditation,” the folks at say. This one is also free.
buddhify also rated five-stars from – and this one has the option to help you with specific problems, which may make it a good option for anyone considering ADHD treatment in NYC. “Users have access to over 11 hours of custom meditation with buddhify. What’s really unique is that each exercise is tailored to target a specific aspect of your life. Need help going to sleep? The app has you covered. Need help staying offline? Check. Need a work break? It’s here,” reported. “The tracks range from 5 to 30 minutes. A check-in system lets you evaluate how well you’re meditating and tracks your progress overtime.” The price is $4.99 for iPhone and $2.99 for Android users.
Although Smiling Mind only earned four stars from, it does offer something that might have parents giving it top scores. As the folks at Healthline said, “One of the most interesting things about this app is that it’s not just for adults. The meditation content is sectioned in different age groups. Children as young as 7 can use the app as well as adults of any age. Families are encouraged to create sub accounts so they can manage everything in one app. There’s also a section for educators, at a variety of grade levels, so they can use the meditation exercises in the classroom.” Even better – it’s free.
Also making’s list of the top meditation apps were:
Whether you were diagnosed as a child and don’t need ADHD testing for adults, are looking for ADHD treatment in NYC for your child or are wondering if you should consider ADD testing in NYC, the Sachs Center can help.