Attention and focus

A psychologist in nyc specializing in autism hands a pen and monotropism questionnaire to autistic patient

Understanding Monotropism and Autism: A Unique Perspective

Monotropism is a term that has gained attention in recent years, particularly in the autism community. But what exactly is monotropism, and why is it important to understand? In this article, we’ll explore the definition of monotropism, its connection to autism, and how it can provide a unique perspective on the world. What is Monotropism?

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On the Road: Driving challenges for teens and adults with ADD

On the Road: Driving challenges for teens and adults with ADD

Distracted driving is a problem all across the country. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), “In 2017 alone, 3,166 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers.” If staying focused on the road is a challenge for all drivers, imagine what it’s like for adults with ADD.  The NHTSA defines

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ADHD or Concentration Deficit Disorder?

With more parents and teachers becoming educated on ADHD and its subtypes, more children are being diagnosed and receiving treatment. A new disorder, distinct from ADHD, has been increasingly diagnosed amongst children — Concentration Deficit Disorder (CDD) (2). What is Concentration Deficit Disorder? Concentration Deficit Disorder was previously referred to as Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (SCT)

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How to Improve Your Memory and Focus if You Have ADHD

In our digital world, coping with a flood of information from news websites and social media is challenging enough. Add to this frequent emails from your coworkers, clients, and family members, and life with ADHD can get unbearable. But there are several things you can improve without totally restructuring your life. These tips will help

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Tackling Adult ADHD – Difficulties with Focus

One of the chief complaints for adults with ADD of ADHD is difficulty focusing. Paying attention can be a challenge because often adults with ADHD become bored easily, especially with routine or mundane tasks and responsibilities. If you have ever found yourself uninterested in something, no matter how hard you try to focus, you are

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