Executive dysfunction

Executive dysfunction refers to difficulties in the cognitive processes – executive functioning skills – that are responsible for goal-setting, planning, organizing, initiating tasks, and self-monitoring, commonly observed in conditions like ADHD, and it can significantly impact daily functioning and task execution.

ADHD Medicine to Treat Menopause

Menopause is hardly a walk in the park for most women. Hot flashes, emotional outbursts, and loss of memory are only some of the varying symptoms women experience at that point in their life. Some of the most detrimental losses to cognitive ability from menopause affect executive functioning (i.e., Attention, memory, problem solving, and organization). However, a new

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ADHD in Girls

Do girls also have ADHD? The answer is yes. ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. There are three basic traits that define ADHD –impulsiveness, hyperactivity and inattentiveness. However, hyperactivity and impulsiveness appear to be more descriptive of this condition in boys, while inattentiveness is more common in girls.  It is easy to quickly recognize boys

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