ADD Symptoms

Navigate ADHD and ADD Symptoms: A clear collection of information to help you understand and manage the diverse manifestations of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Water Improves Cognition and Symptoms of ADHD

To lessen ADHD symptoms, drink more water. It sounds simple and it is. And yet, many people forget to do this simple task each day, leading to poor cognition and mental attention. Consider these studies done on children: In one study, 40 children around 8 years old were tested on their memory and attention skills […]

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Can Smart People Have ADHD?

Yes, they can. Being smart does not protect a person from the difficulties of having Attention Deficit Disorder, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADD/ADHD, respectively. A study led by Dr. Thomas E. Brown featured 117 children and adolescents with IQ scores of 120 or higher who placed in the top ninth percentile of their age group. Some of the

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Women’s ADD/ADHD Often Overlooked

In today’s society, too often Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is considered a male problem. This is  a grave misconception. The typical markers of ADD/ADHD behavior present distinctly differently in females than they do in males. As a result, women who have ADHD often get misdiagnosed with emotionally based psychiatric illnesses such as anxiety or depression, and the real

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Sugar/Carbs Impacts Short Term Memory

Higher blood sugar may harm the brain and disrupt memory function. Avoid Sugar and Carbohydrates To Improve Brain Health and ADHD Symptoms. In diabetics, eating a lot of sugar and other carbohydrates can be harmful to both brain structure and function. Does glucose have an effect on people who do not have diabetes? Yes, according to a recent study

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