Child Therapy & Family Therapy at Sachs Center

Child Therapy & Family Therapy at Sachs Center

Children need therapy options just like adults and adolescents. Here at Sachs Center, we are dedicated to helping your children and family feel better so you can get the most out of life. Several children suffer from emotional issues and behavioral problems that can improve with the help of therapy. We offer different forms of therapy for your child and for parents. We guarantee that your children, and family, will improve after just one session with our experienced therapists. Here are some of the therapy options we provide:

Child Therapy

Like adults, children also benefit from therapy. Child therapy sessions are centered on the child and focus on activities such as playing, drawing, building and pretending. This is the best way to get a child to open up and feel comfortable with our psychiatrists. Talking is very important, but sometimes children can express themselves best through their actions. We use different forms of activities which help our therapists to form a trusting relationship with your child and also make your child feel like they are in a safe environment. Child therapy also focuses on the following: self-esteem, improving communication, understanding feelings, resolving conflicts and problems, development, emotional vocabulary, and more.

Play Therapy

A technique that uses a wide variety of treatment methods, a large part of this therapy includes the implementation of play within the therapy sessions. Play can indicate how children are coping with any problems or issues in their life. It can also help the therapist understand the child better and see firsthand if there are any obvious concerns. During the play therapy, the children are given absolute freedom to do anything through natural methods of learning.

Dragon Masters Social Skills Group

This group was formed to help young, adolescent males control their impulses, express emotions, and learn how to be respectful and open to the world. The social skills group is $100 per session. We currently meet every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at our Upper West Side office. The educational curriculum of the series will focus on the five core social and emotional competencies outlined by the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Collaborative For Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL, 2004). These core competencies are listed below:


  • Identifying emotions: Identifying and labeling one’s feelings.
  • Recognizing strengths: Identifying and cultivating one’s strengths and positive qualities.

    Social Awareness:

  • Perspective-taking: Identifying and understanding the thoughts and feelings of others.
  • Appreciating diversity: Understanding that individual and group differences complement each other and make the world more interesting.


  • Managing emotions: Monitoring and regulating feelings so they aid rather than impede the handling of situations.
  • Goal setting: Establishing and working toward the achievement of short- and long-term pro-social goals.

    Decision Making:

  • Analyzing situations: Accurately perceiving situations in which a decision is to be made and assessing factors that might influence one’s response.
  • Assuming Personal responsibility: Recognizing and understanding one’s obligation to engage in ethical, safe, and legal behaviors.
  • Respecting others: Believing that others deserve to be treated with kindness and compassion and feeling motivated to contribute to the common good.
  • Problem solving: Generating, implementing, and evaluating positive and informed solutions to problems.

    Relationship Skills:

  • Communication: Using verbal and nonverbal skills to express oneself and promote positive and effective exchanges with others.
  • Building relationships: Establishing and maintaining healthy and rewarding connections with individuals and groups.
  • Negotiation: Achieving mutually satisfactory resolutions to conflict by addressing the needs of all concerned.
  • Refusal: Effectively conveying and following through with one’s decision not to engage in unwanted, unsafe, unethical, or unlawful conduct.

Parent Coaching

Bringing up a child can be a little overwhelming at times. Our parent training, or parent coaching, helps parents to improve their parenting and communication skills. The parent coaching is designed to help the parents develop skills and certain coping mechanisms that are necessary to manage their child’s behavior. The parent coaching also helps the parents understand what they need to do to provide their children with a better, positive environment. Our trained therapists can help the parents understand what their child’s behavior and how to interact with their children.

Nutritional Coaching

When your nutrition is on point, your body naturally feels amazing. Children and their families can benefit greatly from nutritional coaching. The goal of nutrition coaching is to help you and your family identify what in your nutrition is causing limitations in your life. A session with our experienced therapists we can help you and your children adjust your nutrition to ensure your body and life are balanced.

Family Therapy

We offer family therapy which allows adolescents to work through issues alongside their parents. Sometimes adolescents really need to feel like they are supported in order to effectively change. This type of therapy allows the adolescent to know that their parents believe in them by the parent’s willingness to work through issues towards a resolution in conflicts. The treatment plan is designed to help each family member understand one another and learn how to function as a whole unit. The length of treatment depends on the severity of the issues and the willingness of each member to work together.
We also offer any kind of tutoring your child may need to help them with any of their developmental needs or academic needs.
Here at Sachs Center, we want to provide the best kind of therapy and care for you and your family. That is why we are dedicated to helping parents and their children find balance and understanding in their lives. If you have any questions about treatment for you or a loved one, please contact us today. We will set you up with your first visit and initial testing then figure out the best course of treatment.

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George Sachs PsyD
Dr. Sachs is a clinical psychologist in New York, specializing in ADD/ADHD and Autism in children, teens and adults.